Polytron Passes CSIA Certified Member Audit Again

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The Polytron team is excited to announce that we have completed the Control System Integrator Association (CSIA) Best Practices audit and have extended our Certified Member status through 2022.

This is an industry credential that we have maintained since 2013. We earned this distinction following an intensive 2-day audit administered by an independent consulting firm.

Our performance was assessed against client-centric criteria in a wide range of business, project management and system development areas.

While this is quite an accomplishment for us, being a CSIA Certified Member is also important for our customers and the industry. CSIA Certification is the gold-seal mark of a professionally managed control system integration business like Polytron. Certification reassures customers that a control system integrator is not only an established professional services firm that wants to develop successful, long-term partnerships; but also has the business and people systems and processes in place to reduce project risk and deliver the desired project results.

Special thanks to Don Roberts who performed the audit and the many CSIA member organizations for their work creating the best practices for control system integration industry. 

Picture of Ron Rich, P.E., PMP

Ron Rich, P.E., PMP

With 30+ years of experience at Polytron, Ron Rich was appointed CEO in 2017. He is focused on connecting with customers and industries, setting vision and strategy for the organization, and strengthening the company’s culture and leadership team. Ron holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, a MBA from Georgia State University, and a certificate in Change Leadership from Georgia State. Ron is a licensed professional engineer in the State of Georgia, and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).
