A Scientific Approach to Industrial Line Upgrades

2 Minutes Read

You have a big line upgrade or expansion project. There is a limited budget, zero room for mistakes, and the project needed to be completed yesterday. We have the technology that will give you the insight you need to complete a successful, timely project: Emulation. The single best way to manage risk and eliminate unknowns is to emulate your new programming and controls virtually before installation.

Polytron’s PolySim helps manufacturers make changes without the guesswork by giving operators and maintenance technicians the ability to control the “real” line virtually. PolySim uses new PLC and HMI programming logic to control a virtual real-time “emulation” of the production line model. Your engineers are able to test “what if” production scenarios and see the actual results in the virtual production line to make efficient decisions on programming changes.

Emulation lets you troubleshoot and perfect new solutions in a safe digital environment. Test and tweak system components before you even lift a screwdriver to begin your new installation or make changes. As one of the first system integrators firm to provide emulation solutions for high-speed packaging systems, we know that you will:

  • Cut time and expense associated with new installations by as much as 50%.
  • Train operators and maintenance in real time with maximum learning and minimum fear.
  • Test multiple scenarios without wasting materials.
  • Turn traditional field-testing on its head by debugging 95% before you deploy.

A Case for Industrial Emulation

Challenge: A premier beverage company wanted to increase the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of the line. The demands were complicated by a new, high-capacity liquid filler that had to be integrated into existing older equipment. Other challenges included the need for full operator access around the machine, storage for materials and a rework area.

Objective: Increasing OEE and boosting throughput by 30% under a limited shutdown period.

Results: Working with Polytron specialists, plant engineers presented over a dozen design options. The team created a PolySim Emulation model that let them verify the logic and see how the line would behave under various scenarios, including adding accumulation pre- and post-filler. The team concluded that the additional OEE points were worth the challenge of working the post-filler accumulation into the layout. A 500-bottle accumulator was added between the filler and the overcapper.

The result of the emulation testing was a smooth and efficient process with simplified line automation programming. Production was up, stress was down, and OEE targets were achieved within four weeks—six weeks early.

To see other cases, checkout our whitepaper: Emulation Lower Your Project Risk with a Digital Twin

Industrial Emulation Made Easy

You can’t predict the business success of a line change or acquisition, but you can gain more insight into the manufacturing outcomes. As an early and successful adopter of PolySimSM Emulation, Polytron has helped diverse manufacturers use it to grow without the guesswork. Take the guesswork out of your new line by calling us today.

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For 40 years, Polytron has delivered thousands of manufacturing solutions to help its clients improve productivity, meet their business challenges, and drive profitability. Polytron delivers manufacturing solutions based on our expertise in process and packaging, automation, networking, machine safety and cybersecurity systems and solutions. Our team of certified and experienced engineers work with our customers to help solve their most difficult manufacturing challenges. Manufacturers are experts at what they make. We are experts at providing innovative and sustainable technology solutions that solve the manufacturer’s problems.
