6 Training Tips that Improve Manufacturing Safety

3 Minutes Read

After implementing important machine safety measures in a manufacturing facility, your team should have all of the tools they need to sustain a safe working environment. We want to facilitate employees to be successful in our safety training and to transfer the practices into action once they're out on the floor. To guarantee results, we employ these 6 elements in all of our training.

1.) A thorough approach

We train operators, maintenance, and electrical and instrumentation technicians and staff at your facility. For operators, we provide a complete overview of any and all changes to the system. This includes not only classroom instruction, but we also take the class out on the manufacturing or packaging line to demonstrate exact locations of crucial safety components, what triggers each safety device, what happens when it’s triggered, how everything shuts down, and finally, how to reset and restart the system.

2.) Training on-demand

Computer-based training can be included through our Computer-Based Learning Object (CBLO). With a CBLO, we virtually simulate the line using images, videos, interactive, and selectable icons to detail and experience the line operations without the risks of a real world trial. For companies with multiple shifts, the simulation training is crucial since it allows operators to learn at any time, during any shift, on break or even at home. This “on-demand” training allows for flexibility in scheduling concerns.  The CBLO can include a student assessment at the end to ensure that the employee have a thorough understanding of the training and can perform the actions required on the plant floor.

3.) Small classes

We can make larger class sizes work as necessary, but we prefer a classroom size of 8 to 10 people. In small classes, we can answer more questions, be more personal, and tailor each class to the students. The intimacy helps ensure that every worker learns what they need to know, and as a result, every small group benefits immensely.

Every workplace has a schedule and deadlines to meet, so we are very flexible. We can move from shift to shift and line to line. This flexibly allows the plant to continue producing while other operators learn what they need to know. Flexible training translates into the least amount of impact on production. Training only works when it works with your production schedule: operational demands and employee safety should never be conflicting interests.

Our hands-on, customized approach to training separates us from our competition. We don’t just implement solutions, we make sure our solutions are 100% utilized by the time we leave. There are always opportunities for us to come back to expand on training, give more advanced training, and to cultivate subject matter experts — but our goal is to put the performance in the hands of your people.

Ongoing Training

The safety measures we help our clients implement will only be as effective as the workforce that carries them out every day. Improving safety within your facility hinges not only upon the success of training conducted while we are there, but also in reinforcing that training with current employees.  Additionally, it is important to continue that training with new hires after we leave.

Part of the continuing education is done through the manuals, job aids, Computer Based Learning Objects (CBLOs), and assessments that we create.  However, we know that safety requires more than a good manual. By identifying and grooming key players we call subject matter experts (SMEs), we can help to ensure our training is upheld in practice and that new hires are properly trained as well.

4.) A Manual

Our manuals are written for easy application. To maximize impact, we keep them straightforward, yet detailed, using illustrations and associations to reinforce concepts, including information that is relevant and task-based. We make use of visuals like drawings, schematics, computer images and photos to identify modifications and additions. The manual serves a single function - to give the operators what they need to know quickly and get back to work successfully and safely.

5.) A Job Aid

Job Aids are a quick reference tool for use during daily operations. They provide a storage place other than memory for information that is used in performing a specific task. If productivity and safety are the goals, it is important that questions can be answered quickly, on the spot, and are accurate. Procedure references often require employees to dig through a significant amount of material to get to the information they are seeking. Job aids put that information at their fingertips.

6.) An Assessment

At that beginning of training, we do a pre-assessment to determine what each operator already knows. The pre-assessment covers only the subjects necessary for utilizing the systems we have installed.

At the end of training, we conduct a post-assessment.  The post-assessment mirrors the pre-assessment, but this time the material requires more specific knowledge. Trainees are asked to explain how to use the system that has been upgraded. This allows us to gauge how much operators have learned. We provide the results to the client, but our report focuses on group performance. You can see areas where your workers excel — as a group — and the areas where they need more help. This provides a guide to help with the planning of refreshers or next-level training sessions.

To improve workforce safety, employees need to be properly trained so they are accountable for their own safety. We can provide all of the hardware and training necessary to help your facility achieve its safety goals. Every step of the way, we will help you lay the foundations for a safer manufacturing environment. If you would like us to help build this future for you and your employees, please reach out to us today.

Picture of Travis Holley, CMSE® (TÜV NORD)

Travis Holley, CMSE® (TÜV NORD)

Travis started with Polytron in 2011, and he holds an Electrical Engineering degree from Auburn University. With over 25 years of experience, Travis is a skilled Senior Electrical Engineer and a Machine Safety Business leader at Polytron, Inc. He has worked in a wide range of manufacturing industries including Food, Beverage, and Consumer Products, delivering engineering services in Process, Material Handling Systems, and Machine Safety.
