Going Paperless Delivers High Returns


Going paperless has many advantages; it saves time by erasing data handling and entry, creates visibility with quick real-time evaluations plant-wide, and allows operators to focus on responsibilities. Going Paperless, the manufacturer maximized asset utilization and with every 1-point OEE improvement the company saved $395,000 and produced an additional 2.2 million more cases per year without any additional changes to infrastructure.

Click here to view the full Infographic for benefits of automating manual data capture.

To learn more about going paperless to improve your manufacturing performance, contact Polytron at 678-328-2284.
Polytron, Inc. is a Parsec Gold Level Solution Partner

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For 40 years, Polytron has delivered thousands of manufacturing solutions to help its clients improve productivity, meet their business challenges, and drive profitability. Polytron delivers manufacturing solutions based on our expertise in process and packaging, automation, networking, machine safety and cybersecurity systems and solutions. Our team of certified and experienced engineers work with our customers to help solve their most difficult manufacturing challenges. Manufacturers are experts at what they make. We are experts at providing innovative and sustainable technology solutions that solve the manufacturer’s problems.
